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沧衡名校联盟高三年级2023—2024学年上学期期末联考 英语 考生注意: 1. 答题前,考生务必将




1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

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3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15. ; ; ; ; ; B. £9.18. C. £9.15.


1. Where does the man want to go?

A. Victoria. ; ; ; ; B. The Central. ; ; ; ; ; ; C. Bond Street.

2. What is the man doing now?

A. Watching TV. ; ; ; ; B. Reading aloud. ; ; C. Washing clothes.

3. What season is it right now?

A. Spring. ; ; ; ; ; B. Autumn. ; ; ; ; C. Winter.

4. How does the man feel about the newspaper?

A. Satisfied. ; ; ; B. Disappointed. ; ; ; ; C. Uninterested.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A party. ; ; ; ; ; B. An accident. ; ; ; ; ; ; C. A TV program.




6. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student. ; B. Boss and secretary. ; ; ; C. Mother and son.

7. How will the speakers go to London tomorrow?

A. By bus. ; ; ; ; ; B. By train. ; ; ; ; C. By plane.


8. Why is the man complaining to the woman?

A. There is too much noise. ; ; B. The food is not tasty. ; C. He will be late for work.

9. Why did the woman make a mistake?

A. She was too careless. B. She was too tired. ; ; ; ; ; C. She was too busy.


10. What does the woman think of her present job?

A. It’s interesting. ; ; B. It’s well-paid. ; ; ; C. It’s boring.

11. Which languages is the woman good at?

A. English and French. ; ; B. French and German. ; C. English and Chinese.

12. What benefit does the new job offer?

A. Health care. ; ; ; ; ; ; B. Free travel. C. Paid leave.


13. Why is the man in Australia now?

A. To study. ; ; ; B. To do business. ; ; C. To visit his parents.

14. What does the man think is the most important?

A. A happy marriage. ; ; ; ; B. A good environment. C. Personal development.

15. How does the woman respond to the man’s views?

A. She agrees with them. ; ; ; ; ; ; B. She disagrees with them. ; ; C. She is uncertain about them.

16. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Family affairs. ; ; B. Office work. ; ; ; ; ; C. Future plans.


17. How long did the power cut last in the capital?

A. Around two hours. ; ; ; ; B. About three hours. ; ; ; ; C. Over five hours.

18. What happened to the subway system at 6:00 pm?

A. It fell into total darkness.

B. Its light system worked again.

C. Its public service came to a slop.

19. What was the temperature in Buenos Aires on Wednesday?

A. 39. ; B. 41. ; C. 43.

20. What caused the power failure in the capital?

A. A field fire. B. Electric lines. ; ; ; ; C. A factory accident.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Eurail pass and EU Interrail pass

The Eurail pass is designed for travelers from outside of Europe and the EU Interrail pass for Europeans has been around for decades. Travelers under the age of 27 can enjoy a 25% discount—with prices starting at € 194 for the EU Interrail pass and equal $211 for the Eurail pass for travel lo up to 33 countries over four travel days within one month.

Working holiday visa

This visa (签证) scheme offers both work and leisure opportunities for young people in a longer-term adventure. Some 50 countries across the globe allow people between the ages of 18 and 30 to apply for the 12-month visa program, permitting young adventurers to live and work in a new country.

The International Student Identity Card

Being a student has no age limit, so this part is useful for anyone who’s at college. The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is a globally recognized proof of student ID. Students with the ISIC can enjoy discounts at tourist attractions, air tickets and deals on car rental. Discounts are always changing, so check the ISIC website for any terms and conditions.

Norwegian and Scandinavian Airlines tickets

Norwegian and Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) offer discounted rates to travelers aged 12-25. The only requirement is an ID upon check-in or boarding. Norwegian and SAS both fly internationally as well as across Europe, so these discounted tickets offer plenty of chances for adventure.

21. What can we learn about the Eurail pass?

A. It costs € 194 at most. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. It appeared a few months ago.

C. It is intended for Europeans. ; ; ; ; D. It is legally acceptable for one month.

22. What can a student with a working holiday visa do?

A. Enjoy a 25% discount at tourist attractions. ; ; ; ; B. Work in a foreign country for a year.

C. Travel in more than 60 countries. ; ; ; ; ; D. Order SAS tickets for free.

23. Which program is not targeted at special age groups?

A. Working holiday visa. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. Norwegian and Scandinavian Airlines tickets.

C. Eurail pass and EU Interrail pass. ; ; ; ; D. The International Student Identity Card.


An associate university professor in Florida has completed his research mission and set a new world record in the process: living 100 days beneath the ocean’s surface.

On Friday morning, Dr. Joseph Dituri felt the sun’s rays for the first time since he began the project 22 feet below the waters of Key Largo, Florida, on March 1.

Dituri,55, a biomedical engineer who teaches at the University of South Florida and calls himself “Dr. Deep Sea”, spent just over three months at the bottom of the Emerald Lagoon in Jules’ Undersea Lodge, the only underwater hotel in the United States.

The research project, Project Neptune 100, was organized by the Key Largo-based Marine Resources Development Foundation and focused on ocean conservation research and studying how high pressure affects the human body.

The US Navy veteran said he’d noticed one impact: The water pressure seems to have shrunken his height by half an inch. Dituri stood at 6 feet 1 inch tall before starting his mission, the University of South Florida stated in a news release.

The scientist began the project with a belief that increased pressure could help humans live longer and prevent aging-related diseases, the news release said. Dituri said he hopes his underwater research will benefit the treatment of a variety of illnesses, including traumatic brain injuries.

Dituri also used the project as an educational experience for the youth. “We have interacted with thousands of school children to get them interested in science, technology, engineering and math, “Dituri told Guinness World Records on June 8. While underwater, he continued teaching his college students virtually.

Dituri broke the Guinness World Record for longest time living underwater at the 74-day mark of his project, on May 13. The previous record stood at 73 days, two hours and 34 minutes, set at the same location al Dituri’s successful attempt.

24. When did Dr. Joseph Dituri probably return to the surface?

A. On March 1. ; ; ; ; ; B. On May 13. C. On June 9. ; D. On June 19.

25. Why did Dr. Joseph Dituri take part in the project?

A. To challenge his limits. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. To encourage good teamwork.

C. For scientific research. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. For personal enthusiasm.

26. What did Dr. Joseph Dituri expect of living underwater?

A. It’s beneficial to human health. B. It does harm to human body.

C. It’s a very painful experience. ; ; D. It’s the same as living on land.

27. What would be the most suitable title for the text?

A. What Is Living Underwater Really Like?

B. Can Humans Live Underwater for 100 Days?

C. “Dr. Deep Sea” Interacts with Children Underwater

D. “Dr. Deep Sea” Breaks Record for Living Underwater


Think of your most prized possession. Now, imagine you decide you must sell this item. How much is it worth to you? How much would you charge for it? And would anyone else want to buy it at that price?

Let’s consider the real-world example of a yard sale. Before your neighbors come to look at your things, you must first decide on the prices for them. For you, each item has a story, and some items may even evoke strong emotions.

Let’s say you’re selling a pair of special edition sports shoes that you took care of and really enjoyed wearing on special occasions. With these sweet memories in mind, you put a price tag of $130 on the shoes. However, a customer offers $50 for them. You think, “How could they not see how special and valuable these are?”

In financial transactions like this, sellers often believe their own items are worth more than what buyers are willing to pay. This occurs because buyers do not have the seller’s experiences with and emotional attachment to the items. Buyers want a good deal, and they’re not willing to pay what the seller is asking for.

This negotiation process can even feel a little painful for the sellerover losing something and the buyer not valuing it as much. Economists suggest this dynamic occurs through the endowment effect (禀赋效应)people’s tendency to value things they own more highly than they would if they did not own them. The endowment effect can take hold anytime we feel a sense of ownership over a product, and it can happen quickly.

As the saying goes, “Emotions gel the best of us.” There is nothing wrong with being proud of owning things and treasuring your experiences with them. But when you consider selling a prized possession, think about whether you’re fully ready to part with il. The past is the past, though. Removing your emotional attachment to material possessions can help you make more accurate assessments of how much your items are truly worth.

28. What does the underlined word “evoke” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Advocate. ; ; B. Cause. C. Identify. ; ; ; ; D. Control.

29. What makes you put a price tag of $130 on your shoes according to paragraph3?

A. Your fondness for the shoes. ; ; ; ; B. Your ignorance of the market.

C. The high quality of the shoes. ; ; ; D. The special function of the shoes.

30. Which can best illustrate the result of endowment effect?

A. One likes collecting old things.

B. One tends to buy expensive goods.

C. One offers a lower price when shopping.

D. One charges a higher-than-usual price for something.

31. What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To make a suggestion. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. To introduce a theory.

C. To analyze a phenomenon. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. To provide some evidence.


Fire threats and environmental concerns have led some US cities to give up the traditional Fourth of July fireworks in favor of spectacular drone (无人机) light shows this year.

Maybe most importantly, the drones being employed by more and more cities for Fourth of July celebrations don’t leave behind a blanket of smoke at a time when America’s air quality is already at its worst in decades. Cities making the switch to high-tech shows say there’ re plenty of other reasons people may want to avoid traditional fireworks.

“Fireworks can be harmful to people who suffer from PTSD or families who have dogs. Salt Lake City has more households with dogs than we do with kids,” said Lynze Twede, an events manager for Salt Lake City Public Lands. The Southern California cities of La Jolla and Ocean Beach also cited animals as a key driver behind their switch to a July Fourth drone show.

There’s also the risk of starting actual fires with annual fireworks shows. An estimated 12,264 fires were started by fireworks displays in 2021.

But data also shows that much of the wildfire risk comes not from grand public displays, but from the small-scale shows set off on streets and sidewalks. Consumer-grade fireworks usage rose quickly across the US in recent years, when people looked for ways to celebrate life’s milestones in their own backyards.

Trying something new has been met with mixed reaction from the community but, as Dan Kingdom, owner of WK Real Estate in Boulder, says, “The turnaway from fireworks is considered by many to be the way of the future. Drones are reusable; with fireworks, you have smoke, other fallout like debris, and noise that stresses out dogs and people with PTSD.”

It may be too early to tell how the new trend in alternatives at the city level may get close to smaller shows and consumers, but price is a limiting factor: those high-tech displays are expensive.

32. What is the lop consideration of people in Ocean Beach when choosing drone shows?

A. Reducing fire risks. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. Protecting animals.

C. Improving air quality. ; ; ; ; ; ; D. Attending to people with PTSD.

33. What can we learn about America from the last three paragraphs?

A. Grand public displays are more preferred celebrations.

B. Small-scale shows lead to more wildfires.

C. The usage of fireworks has been on the decrease.

D. Drones will replace fireworks very soon.

34. What is Dan Kingdom’s attitude to choosing drone light shows for celebration?

A. Doubtful. ; ; B. Uncaring. ; ; C. Supportive. D. Disapproving.

35. What is the text mainly about?

A. How Americans celebrate special events.

B. The harm fireworks have done lo America.

C. The development of drone shows in some American cities.

D. Why some US cities choose drone shows instead of fireworks.



Sleep may be the single biggest factor in maintaining a healthy brain and positive mental health. This is especially true if you are under the age of 20.

What is interestingand problematicis that most of us live with a sleep debt: in fact we are not getting enough sleep, so we are constantly sleep-deprived (睡眠不足).  ; ; ;36 ; ;

One of the most common signs of having a sleep debt is feeling like you are in a brain fog, where things are not as clear and focused as they should be.  ; ; ;37 ; ;  ;Further, having a sleep debt can damage all of your brain’s systems-the ones that support perception, memory, attention, decision-making and even learning.

 ; ; 38 ; ;  ;Doctors and researchers recommend between seven and nine hours of sleep per night for adults. If you sleep more than that, it is worth talking with a doctor because oversleeping can be bad for you as well.

 ; ; 39 ; ;  ;First, try to go to bed at the same time every night and try waking up at the same time every day. It’s important to know that you cannot oversleep to make up for a lack of sleep. In fact, sleeping in on the weekend is one of the worst things you can do to recover from a sleep shortage. Another thing you can do to improve the quality of your sleep is to avoid looking at your phones or computers before you go to bed.  ; ; ;40 ; ;  ;Finally, having a healthy, well-balanced diet and getting sufficient exercise have also been shown to improve sleep health and sleep quality.

A. Why should we get a good night’s sleep?

B. What can we do to improve the quality of our sleep?

C. You might wonder what a normal amount of sleep is.

D. Sleeping too much is associated with many health problems.

E. And living with a sleep debt has a negative impact on brain function.

F. The technology used to make these screens makes it hard for us to fall asleep.

G. A lack of sleep can also make us more emotional and can contribute to depression.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



Christian Bowers, now 24, has Down Syndrome (唐氏综合征) and it’s been hard for him to find good friends. His mom, Donna Herter, said his lack of friends was making him feel  ; ; ;41 ; ; .

Herter didn’t know who to turn to. So, she posted it on Facebook. “I just basically said that I was looking for a young  ; ; ;42 ; ; ,” she said. “I told them that I’d pay them $80 for two hours to just  ; ; ;43 ; ;  ;and play video games with him. All he  ; ; ;44 ; ;  ;wants is just a guy friend to do guy stuff with.”

Herter said Christian attends events for people with special  ; ; ;45 ; ; , but he “desires a friendship with somebody who is  ; ; ;46 ; ; ”.

Herter sent the post at I am and when she woke up, it had about 5,000 comments. She saw parents  ; ; ;47 ; ;  ;suggestions, others volunteering lo help. “My hands were  ; ; ;48 ; ; . I was sweating,” she said.

After  ; ; ;49 ; ;  ;a few local guys in Wentzville, Minnesota, Donna  ; ; ;50 ; ;  ;it down to seven who now visit Christian once a week.

James Hasting was one of the men she  ; ; ;51 ; ; . Hasting said he works with people with disabilities and it’s something he has a(n)  ; ; ;52 ; ;  ;for. He said he had visited Christian three times so far and they had a wonderful time together.

“Though on the  ; ; ;53 ; ;  ;we may look different, deep down we have  ; ; ;54 ; ;  ;and getting along should be easy,” Hasting said. He hopes to  ; ; ;55 ; ;  ;others to form friendships-because you never know how much it means to someone.

41. A. independent ; B. depressed ; ; ; C. curious ; ; ; ; ; ; D. surprised

42. A. man ; ; ; ; ; B. teacher ; ; ; ; ; ; C. girl ; ; ; ; D. student

43. A. show off ; ; ; ; ; B. hang out ; ; ; ; C. move on ; ; ; ; D. calm down

44. A. suddenly ; ; ; ; ; B. regularly ; ; ; C. temporarily D. really

45. A. skills ; ; ; ; B. hobbies ; ; ; ; ; C. needs ; D. choices

46. A. normal ; B. strong C. professional ; ; ; ; ; ; D. brilliant

47. A. collecting ; ; ; ; B. rejecting ; ; ; ; C. offering ; ; ; ; ; D. comparing

48. A. waving ; B. crossing ; ; ; ; ; C. aching D. shaking

49. A. consulting ; ; ; B. interviewing ; ; ; ; ; C. informing ; ; D. persuading

50. A. broke ; ; ; B. wrote ; C. narrowed ; ; ; D. turned

51. A. selected B. refused ; ; ; ; ; ; C. assisted ; ; ; ; ; ; D. protected

52. A. indicator ; ; ; ; ; B. requirement C. mode ; D. passion

53. A. education ; ; ; ; B. spot ; ; ; C. strength ; ; ; ; ; D. surface

54. A. similarities ; ; B. experiences C. responsibilities ; ; D. feelings

55. A. allow ; ; ; B. inspire C. warn ; ; D. request



A man who recently made his 27th attempt al passing the gaokao, China’s national college entrance examination, has ended up falling short of his goal.

Liang Shi, 56, scored 424 points out of a total of 75, which was 34 points  ; ; ;56 ; ; (low)than the minimum requirement for being admitted into the second batch of universities in Sichuan Province, Cover News reported.

Liang  ; ; ;57 ; ; (previous) said that he would go to a satisfactory university  ; ; ;58 ; ;  ;stop sitting the gaokao if he managed to meet the requirement for the second batch of universities. However, he was unable to hit that line,  ; ; ;59 ; ;  ;meant Liang would not reach that target this year.

The Sichuan native first took the gaokao in 1983. After the first few failed  ; ; ;60 ; ; (attempt), his parents persuaded him  ; ; ;61 ; ; (enter) a technical school, but he quit after a year. He worked different jobs, got married and earned  ; ; ;62 ; ;  ;small fortune, while retaking the test several times. Since 2010, he has sat the gaokao every year. Two years ago, he switched from science subjects in the gaokao  ; ; ;63 ; ;  ;liberal arts.

Some netizens have been critical of Liang’s “unremitting” attitude,  ; ; ;64 ; ; (comment) he is just putting on a show. But Liang insisted that getting a good score in the gaokao was the only way for him to realize his dream of becoming a college student, and that anything else wasn’t a concern for him. And he also  ; ; ;65 ; ; (state) he would persist in his dream.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


你校英文报Have Your Say栏目正在发起一场主题为My View on the New Internet Words的讨论,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:

1. 网络新词的流行;

2. 你对网络新词的态度及理由。

注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。



I had run away from home after finishing high school. My parents had insisted I go to college, but I was tired of school. I hated it. I was determined not to go. And, besides, my father was too strict. I had too many chores to do around the farm. I haled the work!

There had been a quarrel between my father and me. I threw some things into a bag and left angrily, as my father shouted after me, “If you leave, don’t come back!” My mother cried openly, and I had seen those tears during a hundred sleepless nights.

Then it was time to write a letter to my father.

Dear Dad,

It’s been more than a year now. I’ve traveled east to west. I’ve had dozens of jobs. None of them amounted to very much. Always the same questions: “How much education have you got?” It seems they always want college men for the good jobs.

Dad, you and Mother were right about everything. I know now that the work on the farm didn’t hurt me, and I’m convinced I need college. I’m also convinced that both of you loved me.

Dad, I’ve learned a lesson. I want to come home. I know you said if I left, I couldn’t come back, but I’m praying you’ll change your mind. I want to come home and be a part of the family again.

Give my love to Mother and the girls.


Your son

As I folded the letter and put it into an envelope, I felt a refreshing relief. It was as if a heavy load had been lifted from my shoulders. And I had to be on my way home.

I started down the desolate road—the long road home. Fortunately, a car picked me up, and it was good to have someone to talk with. The driver was a salesman and very pleasant.

“Where you going, boy?” he asked good-naturedly.

There was a long silence before I said, “Home.”

“Been away from home long?”

I smiled, a little self-conscious, and said, “One year, one month and two days.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Having heard my story, he expressed his support for my final decision and told me something surprising. _____




Finally, I arrived home when. it was completely dark. ______________________________________________








Text 1

M: Can you tell me the best way to get to Bond Street, please?

W: You get from Victoria to Oxford Circus and then turn to the Central.

M: Which way should I go first?

W: Go straight down the stairs and turn left at the bottom.

Text 2

W: OK, Nick, it’s your turn to do the washing.

M: Just a moment. I’ll turn off the TV set when Running Man is over.

Text 3

M: I think it’s going to be a nice day.

W: It’s certainly a big improvement over yesterday.

M: But it’s supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

W: Well, at least the snow stops.

Text 4

M: I want to read the latest issue of The New York Times.

W: How do you like it?

M: I think it’s one of the top papers in America.

Text 5

W: Look, Jim. That man just fell down over there.

M: We’d better see if he’s OK.

W: He’s not answering. You’d better check his breathing.

M: Oh, no. He’s not breathing. Call 911.

Text 6

W: Come on, Paul. It’s time for bed!

M: But it’s only nine o’clock!

W: I know, but we need to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.

M: Oh, yes. I forget. We’ re going to London to see Madame Tussaud’s.

W: That’s right. So you need to go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep. You’ve got a busy day tomorrow!

Text 7

M: Susan, what’s wrong with you? Don’t make so much noise!

W: I’m OK. You’d better mind your own business.

M: Susan, I really don’t understand why you’re so angry. Please, let’s have a talk calmly.

W: Sorry, Peter. It has nothing to do with you. I’m angry with my boss. This morning I made a mistake in my work and he blamed me for that, and said I was careless about all my work. I wasn’t careless, but too tired.

M: Take it easy, Susan. Just forget it. Anger can be harmful to your health.

Text 8

W: I’m tired of my job. Everything is just the same.

M: Hey, you know what? I think there is a perfect job for you in the paper today.

W: What?

M: Ah, here it is. European Space Agency needs translators.

W: European Space Agency? I don’t know whether I’m the one.

M: That’s what they say here. They need French and German translators.

W: Mm, I’m good at both. What else are they asking for?

M: Just a degree and at least three years of working experience.

W: What about the pay?

M: Well, it says it depends on education and experience. And there are other benefits. Have a look at it yourself.

W: Mm, health care and paid training. Hey, this isn’t bad. Maybe I should write to them straight away.

M: Oh, you certainly should.

Text 9

W: How is your education going on in Australia?

M: I’m going to graduate this summer.

W: Where are you going to work then, in Australia or back in China?

M: I’m planning to return to China after graduation.

W: Why are you choosing to leave a foreign country? Many people are unwilling to leave the better living environment abroad.

M: Well, I think personal development is much more important than simply having a better living environment.

W: Yeah, China is developing so fast and development opportunities can be found almost in every comer of the country.

M: Absolutely, many Chinese companies are going global, and they are in great need of excellent people to help them with their overseas business.

W: That’s quite true.

Text 10

W: On Wednesday a major power failure affected several of Argentina’s provinces, including parts of the capital Buenos Aires, throwing millions of people into darkness for about two hours as summer temperatures increased. In the capital, the lights went back on at about 6:00 pm in the subway system, and public services were gradually restored.

Reports of the first power cuts came in from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, with traffic lights out of order and Buenos Aires subway stations in total darkness.

Energy officials told reporters that power demand had increased sharply due to the high temperatures. In Buenos Aires, it was 41 degrees Celsius on Wednesday. The power cut is believed to have been caused by a fire in a field near high-tension lines connected to a nuclear power plant. The plant was taken offline as a safety prevention, resulting in the widespread problems nationwide, the country’s national nuclear power official said.


1-5 CACAB ; ; ; 6-10 CBABC ; 11-15 BAACA ; ; ; ; ; ; 16-20 CABBA


21-25 DBDCC ; ; ; ; ; ; 26-30 ADBAD ; ; ; ; ; ; 31-35 ABBCD 36-40 EGCBF


41-45 BABDC ; ; ; ; ; ; 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 ADDAB


56. lower ; ; ; ; 57. previously ; ; ; 58. and ; ; ; 59. which ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 60. attempts

61. to enter ; ; ; 62. a ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 63. to ; ; ; ; 64. commenting ; ; ; 65. stated


One possible version:

With the development of information technology and rapid social change, more and more new Internet words are used in our daily lives, especially by young people.

Personally speaking, I’m fond of these new Internet words and I think it’s necessary for us to master them. For one thing, living in a fast-changing world, we must keep pace with the times. If we don’t know these words, we won’t understand what others are saying. For another, these new words are interesting and funny. Not only can they make our conversations vivid and lively, but they can also help reduce our pressure from the heavy learning load.


One possible version:

Having heard my story, he expressed his support for my final decision and told me something surprising. “Boy, you have made the right choice to go back home,” he said. “To be frank, my son ran away from home two years ago. I have been missing him every hour and every minute.” Now it’s time for me to comfort him, “Don’t worry. I believe he will come back soon, just like me.” I expressed my thanks for his kindness of having me in his car and I wished his son good luck. After all, we are all good people and good people deserve good fortune.

Finally, I arrived home when it was completely dark. Nervous and uneasy, I approached the door and knocked on it gently. It was my father who opened the door and my sudden appearance made him go wild with joy. “Son, you’ve finally come back. I’ve been waiting for this moment for long,” said my father in a trembling voice. It was at that moment that I realized there is no place like home and that blood is thicker than water.


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