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Unit 6 Nurturing nature——2023-2024学年英语外研版(2019)选择性

Unit 6 Nurturing nature——2023-2024学年英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册大单元综合训练



1All _____(candidate) will be required to take a short test.

2I have bought a new watch, which _____(advertise) on TV.

3It is your _____(responsible) to keep the room clean and tidy.

4This lady was _____(genuine) surprised at what happened to her pet.

5The cost is _____(actual) much higher, which is beyond our expectations.

6There are many students who have a ______(prefer) for painting in our school.

7The opportunities available will depend on your previous work experience and _____(qualify).

8The geologist works as a part-time teacher which involves _____(spend) a lot of time with students.

9Dutch students may be able to apply online and pay the _____(apply) charge with a credit card, or by mail.

10The geologist is not required to pay _____(accommodate) fees for the full period of the residency contract.


11、即使你忙于工作,你也应该抽出一些时间来做家务。(even though)




13、这件事提醒了人们与自然和谐相处有多么重要。(reminder; harmony)


14、随着人口的增长和工业的发展,地球上的资源正在快速被消耗掉。(as; use up)


15、这个问题我们已经讨论了一会儿,但到目前为止我们没有找到折中办法。(for a while; compromise)



 ; ; ; Zoological Society of London (ZSL),which runs London Zoo, brought together 16 scientists from different organizations to make a full health check"; on 215 miles of the Thames. The results of the first-ever State of the Thames Report have been shown to the public and there';s both good and bad news for London';s main waterway.

 ; ; ; First up, since the Thames was pronounced “biologically(生物学地) dead” in 1957,the number of animals and plants growing in and around the river has increased greatly. Natural habitats(栖息地) are also on the increase, some of which can help in the fight against climate(气候) change.

 ; ; ; It';s not all good news though—like everywhere else, the Thames is influenced by climate change, mainly through changes in water temperature and sea level. The Thames is increasing in temperature at an average(平均数) of 0.2℃ each year, changing the natural environment.

 ; ; ; Water levels are also rising in the Thames—at Silvertown. There has been an average increase of 4.26 mm per year since 1990, which makes London more likely to be flooded.

 ; ; ; As with pretty much everywhere on Earth, the Thames needs climate change to be stopped in order to make itself a living river in the future.

 ; ; ; The Environment Agency has put together the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan which sets out a long-term plan for dealing with the influence of rising sea level for the rest of this century, in order to protect London from floods.

 ; ; ; James Brand, Thames Estuary 2100 Advisor at the Environment Agency said, ";We are glad to support the State of the Thames Report. If we are going to stop climate change, nature needs to be at the heart of our activities, both in slowing the pace of future change and dealing with the changes that we have already seen.";

16What did the 16 scientists do with the Thames?

A. They did an examination of it. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. They gave an introduction to it.

C. They brought new animals to it. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. They organized a clean-up of it.

17What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. The way animals are raised.

B. The development of natural habitats.

C. The meaning of ";biologically dead";.

D. The welcome changes to the Thames.

18What has happened to the Thames?

A. It has caused many floods.

B. Its temperature has been rising.

C. Its plants have become fewer and fewer.

D. It is home to a smaller number of animals.

19Why was the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan made?

A. To record rising sea level. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. To help rebuild London.

C. To explain the importance of nature. ; ; ; ; ; ; D. To fight against climate change.


20 ; ; ; Green tourism, a form of ecotourism, is low-impact tourism with an eye toward protecting the environment and culture of an area. As the number of tourists traveling around the world has been increasing, green tourism is getting more and more popular.

 ; ; ; In some areas, green tourism is not only preferable but a necessity. It might seem wiser to some people to protect natural habitats and fragile(脆弱的) environments by banning visitors completely to these areas. _____. Green, sustainable tourism is considered to have offered the best of both worlds, protecting the ecology of an area while keeping local schools and businesses booming.

 ; ; ; Green tourism doesn';t necessarily mean a vacation spent with little or no comfort. _____. Ecotourism exists in almost every style and taste. From gray water recycling systems to tents on tree houses, there are numerous vacationing options. Simple efforts can go toward ";greening up"; a standard vacation, such as keeping to pointed pathways, _____ and visiting cultural areas instead of typical tourist attractions.

 ; ; ; A very green holiday can be spent studying the plants, animals and cultural heritage of the area, as well as learning ways to protect and preserve it. Tourists can experience all that an area has to offer, _____.

 ; ; ; _____. They can help to build a school or perform other services that benefit the area and preserve the natural habitat. These vacations can be a lot of work, but many people find them to be very rewarding and interesting learning experiences.

A. It can be well worth doing

B. It can be a wonderful adventure

C. Green tourism could easily become the standard

D. eating where locally grown cuisine is served

E. making little or no impact on the environment

F. There are also trips available in which vacationers improve the local area actively

G. Many areas, however, depend on the income from tourism to support the local economy




2、答案:was advertised



解析:句意:保持房间整洁是你的职责。在形容词性物主代词your 后面,应用名词形式。










解析:句意:这位地质学家做兼职教师,这份工作需要他和学生们长时间待在一起。involve doing sth.需要做某事包括做某事。


解析:句意:荷兰的学生可以在线申请,用信用卡或邮件支付申请费用。application charge申请费用。


解析:句意:那位地质学家不需要支付整个居住合同期间的住宿费。accommodation fees住宿费。

11、答案:Even though you are busy with your work, you should spare some time to do the housework.


12、答案:Jackson has been devoting himself to protecting the environment since he became a conservationist.


13、答案:This incident serves as a reminder of how important it is to be in harmony with nature.


14、答案:As the population grows and industry develops, the Earth';s resources are being used up rapidly.


15、答案:We have been discussing the problem for a while, but we haven';t found a compromise so far.



解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“Zoological Society of London (ZSL), which runs London Zoo, brought together 16 scientists from different organizations to make a full ';health check'; on 215 miles of the Thames.”可知,16名科学家对泰晤士河做了一个检查,故选A项。




解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“The Thames is increasing in temperature at an average of 0.2℃ each year, changing the natural environment.”可知,泰晤士河的温度以平均每年0.2℃的温度上升,故选B项。






③上文such as keeping to pointed pathways(比如保持在有指向的路径上)和下文and visiting cultural areas instead of typical tourist attractions(参观文化区而不是典型的旅游景点)之间是并列关系,D选项中eating是关键词,与上文中的keeping和下文中的visiting并列,所以D选项在提供当地种植的菜的地方吃饭符合语境。故选D项。




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