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Unit 5 Revealing nature——2023-2024学年英语外研版(2019)选择性

Unit 5 Revealing nature——2023-2024学年英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册大单元综合训练



1A few weeks before, I _____(start) writing my term paper.

2By nine o';clock last night, he _____(finish) reading 10 folk tales.

3The technicians _____(want) to help but could not get there in time.

4The Greek worker didn';t go to bed until she _____(finish) her work.

5The old man rebuilt the wire fence that _____(destroy) by the typhoon.

6Rose declined _____(have) lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn';t feeling well.

7However, after I _____(go) to high school, somehow I became distant from him.

8My grandfather was afraid of leaving the only home they _____(know) for the past 60 years.

9Long-lasting friendships share the _____(character) that both sides equally contact and share with one another.

10Goffin';s cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native _____ Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old.



12警察突然想到嫌疑犯原先叫格林。(strikeoriginally) (汉译英)

13因为忙于其他事情,我把这件事忘得精光。(be occupied with) (汉译英)


15人们对新闻媒体有着令人震惊的不信任,其根源不是报道不准确,而是读者每天在阅读时,感受到的困惑。(not … but …; root) (汉译英)


 ; ; ; Goffin';s cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old. Though not known to use tools in the wild, the birds have proved skilful at tool use while kept in the cage. In a recent experiment, cockatoos were presented with a box with a nut inside it. The clear front of the box had a ";keyhole"; in a geometric shape, and the birds were given five differently shaped ";keys"; to choose from. Inserting the correct ";key"; would let out the nut.

 ; ; ; In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age, but it will be another year before they are able to do the same with less symmetrical (对称的) shapes. This ability to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit is called an ";allocentric frame of reference";. In the experiment, Goffin';s cockatoos were able to select the right tool for the job, in most cases, by visual recognition alone. Where trial-and-error was used, the cockatoos did better than monkeys in similar tests. This indicates that Goffin';s cockatoos do indeed possess an allocentric frame of reference when moving objects in space, similar to two-year-old babies.

 ; ; ; The next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues (线索), or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.

16How did the cockatoos get the nut from the box in the experiment?

A. By following instructions.  ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. By using a tool.

C. By turning the box around.  ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. By removing the lid.

17Which task can human one-year-olds most likely complete according to the text?

A. Using a key to unlock a door.  ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. Telling parrots from other birds.

C. Putting a ball into a round hole.  ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. Grouping toys of different shapes.

18What does the follow-up test aim to find out about the cockatoos?

A. How far they are able to see.

B. How they track moving objects.

C. Whether they are smarter than monkeys.

D. Whether they use a sense of touch in the test.

19Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Cockatoos: Quick Error Checkers

B. Cockatoos: Independent Learners

C. Cockatoos: Clever Signal-Readers

D. Cockatoos: Skilful Shape-Sorters


20Can Animals Predict Earthquakes?

 ; ; The belief that animals can predict earthquakes has been around for centuries. In 373 B.C., historians recorded that some animals deserted the Greek City of Helike in groups just days before a quake hit the place. _____ Fish moving violently and chickens that stop laying eggs were reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their dogs and cats acting strangely before the ground shook.

 ; ; _____ It was documented in news reports that three days before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, thousands of toads(蟾蜍) appeared on the streets in Mianzhu, a city hit very hard. Also snakes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before the destructive earthquake.

 ; ; _____ Some theories are that they feel movements, or weak shocks, in the earth before humans do; or that they become aware of gases going out of the earth. Another belief is that animals are very much in tune with Earth';s magnetic(磁性的) field, so they detect electrical signals caused by electromagnetic field changes, causing them to pay attention to the warning that an earthquake is about to happen.

 ; ; The United States Geological Survey states that there has been no concrete evidence for the fact that animal behaviour has a relationship with the occurrence of an earthquake. _____ American experts on earthquakes are also skeptical. They think that animals may have strange behaviour at any time due to other reasons-because they are hungry, defending their ";countries";, or are about to face a dangerous situation. _____ They continue to follow the ";anecdotal evidence";. The hope is that one day what they have learned will prove to be extremely useful in predicting earthquakes more accurately, thus saving millions of lives.

A. Exactly what animals have sensed can';t be fully understood.

B. The connection between them has never been scientifically made.

C. Other researchers around the world, however, have not given up on the idea.

D. It is necessary to know if the animal behaviour is an advanced warning signal.

E. Records of similar animal foretelling of earthquakes have surfaced ever since.

F. Wild creatures also show various kinds of abnormal reactions before earthquakes.

G. Perhaps this sense that some animals appear to have can protect us from natural disasters.


1、答案:had started

解析:句意:几个星期前我就开始写我的学期论文了。时间状语a few weeks before表明句子应用过去完成时。

2、答案:had finished


3、答案:had wanted

解析:句意:这些技术人员本想去帮忙,但是没有及时赶到那里。根据could not get there in time可知,此处表示本想要做而未做”,故用过去完成时。

4、答案:had finished


5、答案:had been destroyed


6、答案:to have

解析:句意:罗斯拒绝和她的朋友共进午餐,说她身体不舒服。decline to do sth.拒绝做某事。

7、答案:had gone/went


8、答案:had known

解析:句意:我的祖父害怕离开他们在过去60年里唯一熟悉的家。时间状语for the past 60 years和主句谓语的时态表明空格处应用过去完成时。




解析:句意:戈芬氏凤头鹦鹉是一种原产于澳大拉西亚的小型鹦鹉,它们的形状识别能力与两岁大的人类相似。(be) native to是固定短语,意为原产于……”

11答案:Before the competition, our PE teacher had trained us in or out of the class.

解析:考查时态和短语。“在...之前”应用介词before,根据语境,主句“训练我们”发生在过去的过去需要用过去完成时,表达为had trained us;表示“比赛”应用特指the competition;表示“课内外”短语为in or out of the class 故翻译为Before the competition, our PE teacher had trained us in or out of the class.

12答案:It suddenly struck the policeman that the suspect was called Green originally.

解析:考查固定句型,动词及副词。表示“某人突然间想到”可使用strike固定句型结构It sudddenly strikes/struck sb.that..., 本句宜用一般过去时;表示“嫌疑犯”使用名词suspect作从句主语;表示“原先被叫做……”使用动词短语be called ...originally,主语从句译为the suspect was called Green originally 故翻译为It suddenly struck the policeman that the suspect was called Green originally.

13答案:I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.

解析:考查时态,从句和短语。分析句子可知,句子是主从复合句,主句主语I,谓语动词forget“忘记”,all“完全地”,作状语,从句为because“因为”引导的原因状语从句,从句主语I,结合提示be occupied with“忙于做……”,other things“其他事情”根据句意,用过去完成时,故译为I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.

14答案:They realize that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is.

解析:考查动词、宾语从句和非谓语动词。分析句子,描述的是客观事实,故用一般现在时。表示“意识到”应该用realize,其后接that引导的宾语从句。表示“没有关系”应该用it does not matter;表示“理念是多么吸引人”应该用how attractive the idea is, how引导的是主语从句,it为形式主语;表示“有关”应该用be linked with,从句中is是谓语动词,link应该使用非谓语动词,此处idealink之间是被动关系,故使用过去分词作后置定语。故翻译为They realize that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is.

15答案:The root of the shocking distrust of the news media is not inaccuracy, but the confusion that readers feel when they read it every day.

解析:考查固定短语,时态,时间状语从句和定语从句。句子陈述事实,时态为一般现在时。结合句意表示“…根源”应用the root of;表示“对新闻媒体令人震惊的不信任”翻译为the shocking distrust of the news media,主语是The root of the shocking distrust of the news media;系动词使用is;表示“不是....而是...”句型为not...but...,连接并列的表语;表示“不准确”应用名词 inaccuracy;表示“困惑”应用confusion,并且作先行词,后跟that引导的定语从句,定语从句主语是readers,谓语动词是feelwhen引导时间状语从句,表示“每天阅读时”翻译为they read it every day。故翻译为The root of the shocking distrust of the news media is not inaccuracy, but the confusion that readers feel when they read it every day.


解析:理解具体信息。根据第一段中的";Though not known to use tools in the wild, the birds have proved skillful at tool use";可知, 实验中凤头鹦鹉通过使用工具拿到了盒子里的果仁, 故选B项。


解析:推断。根据第二段首句";In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age";可知, 在大约一岁时, 婴儿就能将圆形物体放入圆孔中, 由此可推知C项正确。


解析:理解具体信息。根据最后一段信息可知, 研究人员下一步将查明凤头鹦鹉是否完全依靠视觉线索还是也需要使用触觉来对物体的形状作出选择。


解析:理解文章主旨要义。综观全文, 尤其是根据文章首句";Goffin';s cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old";可知, 文章主要讲述凤头鹦鹉出色的形状识别能力。故D项作文章标题最佳。


解析:①根据下文语境鱼非常躁动,鸡停止下蛋,无数的宠物主人声称目睹了他们的狗和猫在地震前的怪异行为可知,一些具体的动物在地震前有一些奇怪的行为,E选项“Records of similar animal foretelling of earthquakes have surfaced ever since.”能起到承上启下的作用,符合题意,故选E

②根据下文内容可知,野生动物在地震前也有奇怪的行为,F选项“Wild creatures also show various kinds of abnormal reactions before earthquakes.”引起下文内容,符合题意,故选F

③根据下文内容可知,动物究竟感知到了什么还不能被完全理解,A选项“Exactly what animals have sensed can';t be fully understood.”引起下文内容,符合题意,故选A

④根据上文内容以及下文“American experts on earth-quakes are also skeptical.”可知B选项“The connection between them has never been scientifically made.”能起到承上启下的作用,符合题意,故选B

⑤根据下文“They continue to follow the ‘anecdotal evidence’.”可知,世界各地的其他研究人员并没有放弃这个想法,C选项“Other researchers around the world, however, have not given up on the idea.”符合题意,故选C


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