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Unit 4 Meeting the muse——2023-2024学年英语外研版(2019)选择性

Unit 4 Meeting the muse——2023-2024学年英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册大单元综合训练



1I don';t know why she is _____(tire) of working with her teammates.

2In contrast _____ common belief, there are fewer choices than you might expect.

3Her goal is to recreate the music as the _____(compose) wanted.

4The _____(cable) are all bright yellow to prevent you tripping over them.

5We shall refer here to three significant _____(trend) that arose in the previous decade.

6Jones was _____(shock) when she said that she didn';t actually mind being cheated.

7The scientists said their biggest challenge was _____(find) a cheap way to sharpen up their experimental skills.

8In 1943, a Mexican farmer was _____(surprise) to see smoke rising from a small part of his muddy land.

9";We were so _____(amaze) that the spikers could stay underwater much longer than us local islanders,"; Dr. Jubilado said.

10Many people tend to think that _____(innovative) just means creating something new, but actually it';s more than that.


11这个周末我们要举办一场聚会。(be to)(汉译英)

12为了省钱,社区大学不得不裁员。(so as to)(汉译英)

13超市里卖各式各样的肥皂。(a variety of做主语)(汉译英)


15提到买私家车,很多人盲目跟风,结果却发现自己被困在交通堵塞中。(only) (汉译英)


 ; ; ; The traditional Chinese Yue Opera has a long history, but these days it seems that young people don';t show much interest in it.

 ; ; ; Nowadays, as pop music and online films are popular with the public, Yue Opera is struggling for its survival. The market of the opera is becoming smaller. It remains popular only with the older generation. According to Zhejiang provincial cultural department, the most of fans of Yue Opera, China';s second largest traditional opera, are above 40 years old. And many teenagers know nothing about Yue Opera and have never been to the theatre.

 ; ; ; The head of the department said, “Now, young people are crazy about other art forms but not the traditional operas. The largest problem for Yue Opera today is how to become acceptable to the young.”

 ; ; ; Actually, not only Yue Opera but also many other traditional Chinese operas are in danger. That';s really worrying. Luckily, people are trying to protect them. For example, Kunqu has been listed as one of the Masterpieces(杰作) of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since 2001.

 ; ; ; In 2006, Yue Opera, for the first time in history, entered the pub(酒吧). It was really a good try to attract the youth. Besides, a Yue Opera group opened a Yue Opera blog on the Internet to invite people, especially the young, to express their opinions about this traditional art form.

16What is the purpose of paragraph 1?

A. To recommend Yue Opera. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B.To show young people';s preference.

C. To introduce the topic. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. To talk about the history of Yue Opera.

17Why is it hard for Yue Opera to survive?

A. Modern art is becoming increasingly popular.

B. Theatres don';t accept it any longer.

C. The young generation have got tired of it.

D. The market of art is closed to it.

18What does the underlined word ";them"; in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Modern arts. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. The Masterpieces.

C. Traditional Chinese operas. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. Yue Opera and Kunqu.

19How does the author sound at the end of the text?

A. Anxious. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; B. Hopeful. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; C.Satisfied. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; D. Bored.


20 ; ; ; Today';s families are busy. Mom and Dad are both working, the kids are involved in a variety of activities, and there is little time to enjoy being a family. What can you do to build some family unity(和睦)? How can you prevent those you love from not knowing each other? _________ It takes time and patience, but it is definitely possible!

 ; ; ; _________ If it';s not possible to have them every night, make sure that you eat together as a family at the dinner table at least twice a week. If you need to cut something out of your schedule to achieve this, then do it.

 ; ; ; Make a rule that all members of the family are treated with respect. _________ Speaking disrespectfully with others in the family should be forbidden.

 ; ; ; Talk to your kids, and really listen. Busy parents are often guilty at not listening to their kids. _________ During your family dinners and game nights, let everyone talk and make the others listen.

 ; ; ; Forgive when necessary. _________ If someone has done something wrong, get it out in the open, and then forgive that person. Teach your children how to do this with each other.

A. ;Have family dinners.

B. ;Plan a family night now and then.

C. ;Keep physical contact with your family members.

D. ;Nothing breaks up family unity faster than a grudge(怨恨).

E. ;Start by modeling this as a parent, and then apply the rule to your children.

F. ;With creativity and effort, you can build a closely united family although you are busy.

G. ;When children know their thoughts or opinions are valued, they will feel closer to their family members.



解析:句意:我不知道她为什么厌倦了与她的队友一起工作。表示感到厌倦用固定搭配be tired of


解析:句意:与普遍的观点相反,选择比你想象的要少。in contrast to是固定短语,意为……相反









7、答案:to find








11答案:We are to hold a party this weekend.

解析:be to do表示";计划做";,是一般将来时,“我们”在句中做主语,译为we,“要举办”表示一种计划,用be to do,所以译为";be to hold";,且主语是we, be动词应用are,";一场聚会";译为a party";这个周末";译为this weekend。故填:We are to hold a party this weekend.

12答案:The community college has to cut down on staff so as to save money.

13答案:A variety of soaps are sold at the supermarket.

解析:“各种各样的";使用固定短语a variety of,";肥皂";使用可数名词复数soaps,在句中作主语,";卖”使用动词sell,和主语soaps之间是被动关系,且句子是描述一个事实,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是名词复数,be动词用are,“超市里”译为介词短语at the supermarket,故填:A variety of soaps are sold at the supermarket.

14答案:The stress of this situation is killing me, and I’m at a loss what to do next.

解析:这种情况带来的压力the stress of this situation;让我难受死了kill me,根据句意用现在进行时;and连接两个句子;be at a loss to do sth.不知道做什么;what to do做什么,用一般现在时。故填:The stress of this situation is killing me, and I';m at a loss what to do next.

15答案:Speaking of the purchase of private cars, many people follow the trend blindly, only to find themselves stuck in traffic jam.

解析:表示";提到买私家车";应用speaking of the purchase of private cars,此处为现在分词短语作状语;表示";盲目跟风";应用follow the trend blindly,此处陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,谓语动词用原形;根据要求可知表示";结果却发现自己被困在交通堵塞中";应用only to find themselves stuck in traffic jam,此处表示出乎意料的结果,用动词不定式作结果状语。故填:Speaking of the purchase of private cars, many people follow the trend blindly, only to find themselves stuck in traffic jam.




解析:细节理解题。根据第二段前两句“Nowadays, as pop music and online films are popular with the public, ...smaller.”可知,越剧很难生存是因为现代艺术正变得越来越流行。故选A项。


解析:词义猜测题。根据画线单词上文“Actually, not only Yue Opera but also many other traditional Chinese operas are in danger. That';s really worrying.”可知,包括越剧在内的许多中国传统戏剧都处于危险之中,这一点令人担忧,由此可知,画线单词所在句指的是幸运的是,人们正在尽力保护中国传统戏剧”,所以them代指的是traditional Chinese operas,即中国传统戏剧。故选C项。




解析:①本段是文章的主体说明部分,本选项既用来回答前面提出的两个问题,又用来点明本文的主旨,下文中各段的首句是本句中";creativity and effort";的具体体现,故选F项。

②由本段中关键信息";make sure that you eat together as a family at the dinner table at least twice a week";可知,本段中作者建议一家人要一起吃晚餐”,故选A项。

③本选项中的";the rule";指前面提到的";all members of the family are treated with respect";,故选E项。

④本选项中所提到的";When children know their thoughts or opinions are valued";正是父母与孩子交谈并倾听孩子才能产生的结果,故选G项。

⑤根据本段的中心句";Forgive when necessary.";可知,作者在本段提出的建议是:必要时要学会原谅。本空告诉我们积怨最容易破坏家庭和谐”,因此,如果有人犯了错,要说出来并原谅对方, 故选D项。


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