

当前位置:首页 > 文章列表 > 省略讲解 省略知识体系图 1. 简单句中的省略 2. 并列句中的省略 3. 复合句中的省略 4. 不

「教案」省略讲解 省略知识体系图 1. 简单句中的省略 2. 并列句中的省略 3. 复合句中的省略 4. 不



1. 简单句中的省略

2. 并列句中的省略

3. 复合句中的省略

4. 不定式的省略

5. 虚拟语气的省略




(1) ; 人称或谓语的省略

eg: -----How is your mother today?

 ;------ (She is) Much better.

eg: ------ ( Will you) Have a smoke?

-------No . Thanks

eg: (Is there) Anything else to say?

(2) ; 感叹句的省略

how beautiful (it is) !

(3) ; 介词的省略

waste/spend/have trouble/difficulty 等后跟 v.-ing时,常省略介词in, prevent, stop等后常省略from.

Don';t waste time (in)mourning.

Ways must be found to stop them (from) polluting our environment



She was poor but (she was) honest.

John must have been playing football and Mary (must have been) doing her homework.


(1) ; 主句中的省略。常见于句首或回答问题时,只用从句。

---Why are you late?

---I';m late. Because my watch doesn';t work


定语从句: 可以省略作宾语的关系代词thatwhichwhowhom

eg: ; Please show me the cost (that) you brought yesterday.


在时间,地点,条件,方式,或让步状语从句中,如果主句,从句主语一致,或从句主语是it时,从句谓语是be 动词。======把从句中的主语与be动词省略。

eg: When (they were) first introduced to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

✸在由than与as 引导的比较状语从句中,在不造成误解的前提下,有些成分可以省略。

eg: I love you better than he (loves you).

eg: You hate him as much as I (hate him).


1. ; ; ; ; 有些动词接to be +n./adj. 作宾补时, to be 可以省。 动词有:believe ,find, think, ; feel, consider, imagine ......

eg: I consider him ( to be) lazy.

eg: His mother found him (to be) a clever boy.

2.感官动词: see ,hear, feel, watch, notice .使役动词:have, let , make.他们后面不定式to要省略。但被动语态要还原to.

eg: They made the boy go to bed early.

eg: The boy was made to go to bed early.

.3.介词but作“除......之外”时,如果前面有实义动词do 的形式,but后的to 省略。否则不省。

eg: We have nothing to do now but wait.

eg: He has no choice but to accept the fact.

4. 并列结构为了避免重复,可省后面的不定式to.

eg: It is impossible to laugh and (to) cry at the same time.

5. 不定式中的动词原形是否省略,主要看句子前面是否已出现过同样的动词。如果省略动词原形,要保留to.

eg: They may go if they wish to (go).

eg: Don’t go till Itell you to (go).

6. 主句中有do的某种形式,后面不定式作表语,动词不定式符号to 可以省略。

eg: All we can do is (to ) wait for another twenty minutes.


1. should 在虚拟语气中通常可以省略。

eg: We suggest that the task (should) be fulfilled by 12 o’clock.

2. if的条件句中,常省掉if 从句把were/should/had 提前倒装。

eg: Had you followed the doctor’s advice, you would be better now.


1. spend time (in ) doing .....

2. have difficulty (in) doing sth…

3. have a ….. time (in) doing sth…

4. help sb. (to) do sth.

5. It is (of ) no use doing ....

6. There is no use (in) doing...

7. prevent sb. (from) doing .... ; = stop sb. (from) doing ....

8. be busy (in) doing ...


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