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网上研修为教师搭建了一个很好的平台。在这段的学习生活中,作为网络研修的一员。我白天看,晚上学,虽然忙碌、劳累,但却充实着、收获着,快乐着……通过研修,我全面提升了自己的基本素养和业务综合能力,特别是对电脑运用熟练了很多,对于个人今后的发展起到了积极的促进作用。 ;  



本课题在教学实践中主要针对如何能走进歌曲意境用心唱好,研究了“以情带声”的教学方法, 激发了学生学习音乐的兴趣,提高了小学音乐课堂教学效果。提升了教师科研水平,转变了教学理念,改变了教学模式,提高了教师的科研素养


 ; 结合研修活动进度,在学期初,音乐教学中,指导学生体会单元歌曲的情绪,同时加入欣赏优秀小歌手视频设计环节,再次感受优秀歌曲作品的表现。在唱歌教学中,研究创设歌曲意境的方法,引导学生进入歌曲的描述氛围,以情激趣,激发学生学习歌曲的兴趣。在创设良好的歌曲情境的前提下,训练学生对歌曲意境的理解,促进以情带声有感情的演唱歌曲,同时加以指导学生掌握一定的歌唱技巧,对教学环节设计实施的效果及时进行改进和探索,较好完成活动目标和内容。

 ; 在第二学期中,以“从歌唱教学方面进行情感教育”、“从欣赏音乐活动方面进行情感教育”、 “互动式教学是情感培养的有效手段”为思路,对“以情带声”歌唱训练三法进行实施研究,通过教师引领、个人展示、小组合作和比赛平台,组织学生进行歌唱展示和比赛活动,及时记录和整理以情带声歌唱效果的反思和体会,并撰写案例,完成活动相关设计。







 ;Everyone in our school ; loves  ;sports. Every morning we get up ;early and do morning exercises. After the ; fourth class we do exercise again. We only have P.E. classes twice a week, but we have physical training at five oclock every afternoon. The most popular sport is basketball. The boys enjoy ;playing it, and many of the girls like it, ;too. Another popular sport is football and in every class there are ; lots of football fans. We often play football when the weather is ;fine. We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often have friendship matches with teams from other schools. When there is a game, many of us go ;to watch it and cheer our side on.

 ;Besides (除…….之外) ball games, some of us like track and field even (田径项目), and we often practice ;running, jumping and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meet.

 ;Sports keep us healthy and happy. It is very simple to keep your child loving sports, but some parents force their children into doing sports during their childhood. Kids do not like that. Here are some simple steps to keep your kid loving sports.
 ; ; ; ; ;When your child is a baby, keep him moving. Take him to the park, and watch some older kids play soccer. This will make your baby think about sports more often. And then you give him a ball to play with. Just a soft one, and let him play with it on a soft surface, like a bed.
 ; ; ; ;When your child is around 8 years old, you had better take your child to play soccer. But be prepared, because some kids hate soccer. Basketball is too hard at this age, because the hand-eye coordination(协调) is still developing. Baseball is just confusing, because your child might run the wrong way, or something strange like that.
 ; ; ; ; ;When your kid is about twelve, ask him what sports he wants to try. If he is tall, ask him if he wants to join the school basketball or volleyball team. Of course, you should ask your child what sports he likes, and what sports he does not like. Youd better ask him every several months. Write it down, and keep them together. If he always enjoys a sport, sign him up for it. If he hates one, ; dont talk about signing him up for it, because he will most likely give it up.

1. ; ; ________with your child may interest him in sports according  ;to the passage.

A. Taking a walk  ; ;B. Keeping running  ; ; ;C. Watching older kids play soccer  ; ; ;D. Watching a ball
2. Parents should take their eight-year-old child to play ;    ;.
 ; ; ; ; ;A. basketball ; ; ; ; ; ;B. baseball  ; ; ; ; ; ; ;C. volleyball ; ; ; ; ;D. soccer
3. If your child is tall, you may ask him to ;    ; ;according to the passage.
 ; ; ; ; ;A. play volleyball ; ; ; ; ;B. swim  ; ; ; ; ;C. dive ; ; ; ; ; ; ;D. run
4. In the passage, the phrase ;sign him up” ;means ;    ; ; ; ;” ;in  ;Chinese.
 ; ; ; ;A. ;让他签字 ; ; ; ; ; ;B. ;给他报名  ; ; ; ; ; ; ;C. ;给他机会 ; ; ; ; ;D. ;让他签约
5. Which below is the best title for the passage?
 ; ; ; ;A. How to keep your kid loving sports ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;B. Why children love sports
 ; ; ; ;C. Taking good care of your children ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;D. Too much pressure on children in sports



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