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必修一Unit Five 单元检测题(基础知识+阅读理解) 基础知识检测 1.Here is a m

必修一Unit Five 单元检测题(基础知识+阅读理解)


1.Here is a memo for your _______________(参考)when you answer the phones.

2.He came to the meeting _______________(尽管)his serious illness.

3.Whether a book sells well depends on various _______________(因素).

4.You';ll be able to choose a room _______________(根据)on your own personal tastes.

5.The tradition _______________(追溯到)back to the15th century.

6.They  ;_______________(雕刻)their names on the tree.

7.The club offers a wide _______________(种类)of games to the local teenagers.

8.The _______________(主要的)challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population.

9.A  ;_______________(名著)is a literary work that has stood the test of time.

10.I hope you will never _______________(看做)study as a duty.

11. _______________(书法)is very important for students to develop a good habit.

12.I really _______________(感谢)working with someone who does such a good job.

13.This kind of work _______________(需要)patience and care.

14.He gave a brief _______________(描述)of the traffic accident.

15.Tiredness is directly _______________(联系)to a driver';s response time.

阅读理解  ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;A

When I first started reading The Art of ;War by famous philosopher ;Sun ;TzuI really had no idea what I was getting ;into.To be honestI just thought the title(书名)sounded cool..I was in high school at ;the time and barely knew anything about ;war or philosophylet alone ;a ;combination ;of the two.

As I was trying to read different types of ;books at the timesome Chinese philosophy ;like The Art of War sounded like an ;interesting choice.But as soon as I opened ;it and started readingI was immediately ;confused.Why did so many people find this ;book interesting? ;Some quotes ;likeThe skillful soldier does not raise a second ;levyneither are his supply-wagons loaded ;more than twice ;didn’t make sense to me.

But like most philosophyThe Art of War ;should not be taken literally. ;And ;after reading a bit more deeplyI found some ;interesting ideas that I could apply ;to ;my own life.For examplethe quoteIf the ;enemy leaves a door openyou must rush incan mean to seize opportunities quickly and confidently before they disappear.I believe that the quote Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victorybut let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstancesmeans to be flexible(灵话的)and ready to change your way of thinking when you run into challenges.

It';s been a long time since I read the book,but I still remember some of its lessons.It was an interesting look into ancient Chinese culture that is still useful today.It';s no wonder that so many business people around the world have read it over the years.

1. ;Whats the author';s first reaction to the book?

A. ;Confused

B. ;Interested

C. ;Cool

D. ;Useful

2. ;What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A. ;The Art of War mirrors modern Chinese culture.

B. ;The Art of War is a good way to learn about oneself.

C. ;A lot can be applied to our daily life.

D. ;A lot is already out of date.

3. ;Why do so many merchants around the world like to read the book?

A. ;Because it is interesting.

B. ;Because it is famous.

C. ;Because it is no wonder.

D. ;Because it is still useful.


My favorite Chinese book is To Livea masterpiece(杰作)by Chinese writer ;Yu Hua.The first time I read this bookI was in high school-a public school ;in Beijing.My Chinese teacher said ;that we would learn a lot about China ;by reading it.I was very curious(好奇的)about the title(书名)of the novel ;and didn’t quite understand what it ;meant.

Soon I found out that To Live ;describes the life of an old Chinese ;peasantXu Fugui.The story starts ;with the narrator ;traveling ;through the countryside to collect folk ;songs and local legends. ;He hears ;an old peasant’s life story.That story ;includes many of the significant ;events in China’s recent historysuch as the land reform ;in the1950 s and the“cultural revolution”(1966-76).

I was able to learn what Chinese ;society was like before the founding ;of the People’s Republic of China ;in 1949.It took me on a journeyas ;if I was the main character traveling ;through timeseeing all these ;milestone ;events.It was very ;interesting to see the contrast ;between Fugui’s status ;before1949as the spoiled son of a wealthy ;landlordand the peasant he becomes ;after 1949.I felt sad for Fuguias over ;the course of the story he loses his ;friendsfamily and loved ones.He has ;to face all these things by himself.I ;think that fate played a cruel trick on ;him.

I find Chinese or Eastern literature ;to be very different from Western ;literature.The way of thinking is just ;completely different.Western authors ;often take a lot of time to describe ;characters’ ;feelings.Plots in Eastern ;novelshoweveroften feature ;characters working as a team.Howevermy curiosity ;about these differences ;resulted in ;a ;strong passion ;toward Chinese ;literature and ;culture.

1. ;Who is Xu Fugui?

A. ;A high school student

B. ;A writer

C. ;A landlord

D. ;An old peasant

2. ;Whats the writers feeling for Fugui?

A. ;Proud

B. ;Shameful

C. ;Sad

D. ;Happy

3. ;What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. ;Eastern literature is more interesting.

B. ;Western literature is more interesting.

C. ;The characters ;feelings are described in details in Chinese literature.

D. ;The differences between Easter and Western literature drive the writer to read more.


Some polyglots,who can speak quite a few languages,may seem especially talented. ;Zhao Yuanren,a Chinese American 1.__________, ;could speak seven languages and more than30 dialects. ;England';s Queen Elizabeth I could speak about 10 languages.A famous Italian ;named Guiseppe Mezzofanti was reported to have been able to 2.______ ;in 30 to 40languages.Polyglots are indeed 3._____,but American teenager Tim Doner is living proof ;that anyone can try to be one.

As a child,Tim studied French and Latin at school,but he found it difficult to be interested ;in just words and grammar rules.When he was 13,Tim 4.______ ;listening to Hebrew rap ;music.One day, ;he 5.______ ;the words in a dictionary and realised he could put them ;together to make 6.______!He started looking for people who spoke Hebrew so he could ;practise,and then,he decided to 7.______ ;a summer Arabic class.One evening ;, ;just for ;fun,he posted a video of himself speaking Arabic and another of him speaking Hebrew. ;Hebrew and Arabic speakers wrote nice 8.______ ;on his videos and gave him advice.Tim ;loved it.He could 9.______ ;communicate with people!After that,Tim started looking for new ;languages to learn,and posting more videos of himself speaking new languages,including ;Chinese.Tim also began to use many other methods to make learning 10.______.

Tim wishes everyone would learn more than one language and not just as a school subject.";Knowing a language is a lot 11.______ ;knowing a couple of words out of a dictionary,"; ;Tim ;says. ;Languages are for communicating with people, ;learning about their 12.______,and ;understanding how different people think.";Open up your mind to the fact that language ;13.______ ;a cultural world view,";says Tim.";You can translate words easily,14.______ ;you can';t ;quite translate meaning.";Or,as Nelson Mandela said,";If you talk to a man in a language ;he 15.______,that goes to his head.If you talk to him in his language,that goes to his ;heart.";

1.A.learner  ; ; B. native  ; ; C. linguist  ; D. master

2.A.speak  ; ; B. read  ; ; C. communicate  ; ; D. appreciate

3.A.amazing  ; ; B. satisfying  ; C. equal  ; D. specific  ;

4.A. enjoyed  ; B. started  ; ; ; C. stopped  ; D. finished

5.A. referred to B. looked up  ; C. looked for D. made up

6.A. it  ; B them  ; C. expressions  ; D. sentences

7.A.call on B. reflect on  ; C. sign up for  ; D. make up for

8.A.words B. phrases  ; C. demands  ; D. comments

9.A. actually  ; B. naturally  ; C. eventually  ; D. finally

10.A.easy  ; ; B.difficult  ; C. boring D. fun

11.A. more than  ; B. less than C. other than  ; D. rather than

12.A. vocabulary  ; B. grammar  ; C. culture  ; D. spirit

13.A.understands  ; ; B. represents  ; ; C. translates  ; ; ; D. presents  ;

14.  ;A. but  ; B. tough C. so  ; D. however

15.A. regards  ; B. understands  ; C. describes  ; D. translates






























 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;6-10DCDAD

 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;11-15ACBAB


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